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The following are just a brief sample of results of the more than 5,500 personal injury, cruise injury, life insurance, car accident, crime victim's rights and wrongful death cases our office has handled. A prospective client's facts and circumstances may differ from the matter in which results have been given. Not all results are provided. The results are not necessarily representative of results obtained by the lawyer and/or law firm.
$4,150,000.00 Wrongful Death settlement recovered for the family of a young man killed by a hit and run driver in Ft. Lauderdale.
$1,000,000.00 settlement for the family of a man who was shot and killed in an apartment complex in Orlando.
$1,200,000.00 for the family of a woman killed when a truck slammed into the rear of her car.
$1,000,000.00+ - Passenger was killed in Miami when the driver fell asleep at the wheel and slammed into a wall. The Defendant argued that she would not have died if she was wearing a seat belt.
Policy limits from 4 insurance companies - Young girl was killed when she fell in the street in a small town in Florida and was run over by four vehicles. We argued that it was not possible to determine which vehicle killed our client and all vehicles were liable.
Policy limits from 3 homeowner's policies - 3 year old boy was killed when he burned to death in a fire. The boy was staying overnight at a family friend's house when an electrical cord backed up and sparked a fire. We argued that the landlord failed to maintain the electrical outlets and the tenant negligently placed the cord under a table which caused the outlet to overheat.
Policy limits from 2 homeowner's policies - Young man was shot and killed when another man allegedly tried to pass a gun to him. The police refused to prosecute the shooter. We proved that the gun was illegally stored in a home and was then taken by the shooter who was a guest in the house. The shooter claimed the gun accidentally discharged. Even though the State Attorney did not prosecute the case, we were able to pursue a civil claim and obtained a significant amount of money for our client's mother.
Confidential Settlement after a Miami man was killed when another vehicle slammed into the rear of his car. He died of multiple fractures and trauma.
Confidential Settlement for the family of a young man who was shot and killed at a gas station in Ft Lauderdale as he waited in his car. We proved that the crime could have been prevented if the gas station had adequate security.
Dram Shop/Wrongful Death
Confidential Settlement against a bar on behalf of our client's family following a high speed car accident where our client was ejected from the car at an estimated 100 MPH and died on impact. Our client was a passenger in a drunk driver's vehicle and was also under the influence of alcohol. We learned that our client used a fake ID to gain access to the bar even though he was only 19 years old. The ID, however, was so fake that any reasonable person would know it was not real. Our client was only 5'6" and the ID showed a man 6'2", among other glaring differences. Under Florida's Dram Shop Act, the bar owner was liable for damages arising out of their serving a minor alcohol.
Confidential Settlement where a young girl was killed after being struck by another vehicle driven by a teenager who was allegedly served underage at a bar.
$950,000.00 settlement for a woman injured in a car accident in Hollywood, FL which required her to undergo a neck surgery.
$450,000.00 settlement for a Ft. Lauderdale man who had a surgical procedure following a Florida car accident.
$245,000.00 settlement for a Florida tourist who broke a bone after getting hit by a car while crossing the street.
$100,000.00 policy limit settlement for a mother who underwent injections following a car accident in Coral Springs.
$100,000.00 policy limit settlement for a child who had injections after a car accident in Coral Springs.
$1,000,000.00 Policy Limit for a group of men injured when their van lost control near Tampa, Florida.
$100,000.00 - Young girl underwent a series of injections for back pain. Her injuries were caused when a driver struck her vehicle.
$100,000.00 policy limit for a Coral Springs lady had back injuries and underwent surgery after her car was struck from behind by another vehicle.
$300,000.00 settlement for a Key West Motorcyclist injured when another driver pulled out in front of him.
Excess of $1,000,000.00 for the family of a young girl who died of head trauma and another passenger following a car accident.
$100,000.00 policy limit from Liberty Mutual for a mother who underwent a percutaneous discectomy.
$100,000.00 policy limit for a young lady who underwent spinal surgery.
$250,000.00 policy limit from State Farm after our client was severely injured and underwent a spinal fusion after being hit by a drunk driver. The insurance company settled for all available insurance coverages.
$100,000.00 policy limit for our client against a drunk driver and the insurance company. Our client sustained a hernia in the accident that was not diagnosed until two years after the accident. The defendant hired their own doctor who confirmed that our client sustained a hernia in the accident.
$75,000.00 for our client who was diagnosed with a bulging disc following a moderate impact automobile accident. She underwent a course of physical therapy and had no surgical recommendation.
$125,000.00 for a lady who sustained a disc herniation, underwent physical therapy and had no surgery or surgical recommendation.
$100,000.00 for a Weston, Florida mother who was injured when another car rear ended her while stopped at a traffic light.
$Confidential settlement was made on a $3,000,000.00 life insurance policy after the policy was initially canceled for non-payment.
$425,000.00 recovered for a family after an Interpleader was filed by the life insurance company.
$100,000.00 policy limit recovered for a young girl whose claim was initially denied by the life insurance company based on an alleged error on the policy application's beneficiary designation.
$Policy limit recovered after a life insurance policy was initially denied based on an alleged material misrepresentation.
$145,000.00 settlement for a Miami Gardens mother who had a knee procedure following a trip and fall in a hole in the ground of her apartment complex.
$1,500,000.00 verdict for a woman who had a stroke following IVF therapy. It was alleged that the failure to properly monitor and provide anti-clotting medication was the direct cause of the stroke. The jury found the doctor 100% liable for causing our client's stroke.
$175,000.00 for a woman who underwent knee surgery after tripping and falling down steps. The insurance company argued that they inspected the steps minutes after our client fell and found nothing wrong with them. Our client argued that the carpet on the steps were old and caught her shoe, causing her to tumble to the ground.
$145,000.00 recovered for a woman who tripped and fell over an exposed parking bumper. We successfully argued there were lighting issues in the area which affected our client's ability to properly navigate through the parking lot.
$100,000.00 recovered for a young man who was struck in the face by a BB gun fired by a friend who was playing around. The accidental shooting caused our client to sustain eye injuries, which he ultimately recovered from. The insurance company initially refused to make an offer.
Confidential Settlement against Publix for a customer who slipped and fell on a wet substance near the check-out line. The customer sustained neck and back injuries.
Confidential Settlement against Wal-Mart a man who tripped and fell over a shelf wire which was sticking out from the bottom of an endcap in the Men’s Wear area of the store. The wire was unreasonably dangerous and appeared to be improperly maintained.
Confidential Settlement for a customer against Winn-Dixie who underwent knee surgery after she slipped and fell on a wet and slippery substance in the grocery store aisle. There were no warning signs or wet floor signs in the area where she fell.
Confidential Settlement against Home Depot for a customer injured when he slipped and fell on wood dust on the floor.
Confidential Settlement for customer at Walgreens who hurt her shoulder when a chair display collapsed and she was struck by a falling chair. The store placed rack bumpers in front of the display after the accident to prevent others from getting hurt.
Negligent Security
Policy limits from two different insurance companies for the family of a man who was accidentally shot and killed by an acquaintance. The police declined to press charges against the shooter. Jason was able to recover the insurance policy limits from the homeowner where the shooting occurred and also from the shooter's homeowner insurance.
Confidential Settlement for the Estate of a 29 year old man who was shot and killed at a gas station as he was waiting for his gas. We filed a Writ of Mandamus to compel the police to turn over the entire investigation file. After conducting our investigation, we were able to show that this was a high crime area and the shooting could have been prevented if the gas station would have taken even minimal security measures.
Sexual Assault
Policy Limits for a 7 year old autistic girl who was molested by a school employee at a private day school. Our investigation revealed that the employee had been warned by the school a year prior to stop harassing young girls. The employee also had a prior DCF investigation for making inappropriate sexual comments to another minor child. The employee was found "not guilty" in the criminal case because of her inability to identify the sexual predator. Jason was able to recover the actual 911 call from another teacher who reported that she found the employee in the janitor's closet with the minor child. The insurance company settled within 24 hours of receiving a copy of the tape.
Confidential Settlement for a teenage girl molested by a Youth Leader at a Church of God. Through an extensive investigation, we found a series of alleged church policies or recommendations which were violated, as well as a failure to properly train and supervise church employees in the recognition and handling of child sexual abuse.
Confidential Settlement for a young girl also molested by a church Youth Leader after several complaints were made to church leaders of inappropriate sexual touching and actions by the Youth Leader. Despite the complaints, the Youth Leader was permitted to attend church and have access to other young girls. A confidential settlement was reached in this case before trial.
Policy Limits for a teenage girl who was repeatedly molested by a family friend. The teen used to hang out at her friend's home where the friend's father and grandparents lived. Our investigation found that the grandparents knew that their son had a prior conviction for child molestation. We argued that they had a duty to warn our client and her parents of this known danger and failed to protect our client. The insurance company settled for the policy limits within 21 days.
$250,000.00 for a young girl who was molested by her neighbor in a mobile home park. The complex advertised that the community was safe and even took an application fee to run background checks on all applicants. Our investigation found that the corporate office never actually performed the background checks even though they kept the application fees. We conducted a simple background check on the neighbor and found that he was arrested three months prior to this incident for molesting his own daughter.
Confidential Settlement against a national hotel chain on behalf of a female college student who was raped on a private hotel's beach. The hotel advertised that it was a private resort and provided 24 hour security. Our client was raped by a trespasser who gained access to the resort through malfunctioning security gates in the rear of the resort. The trespasser was then served alcohol at the hotel bar before going to the beach where he assaulted our client.
Confidential Settlement against a car dealership after an employee tried to put his hand up our client's skirt while she was trying to buy a car. Our client had sensitive skin and developed a rash in her inner thigh from the salesperson's wedding band. We were also able to locate a police report from one year prior to the incident where another patron reported that this same salesperson tried to sexually assault her at the same exact car dealership. This evidence was important in proving that the dealership knew about this salesperson's propensity to commit sexually offensive acts, yet they failed to take any precautions to protect the public.
Confidential Settlement against a church where a pastor molested our client during a church sanctioned event. The church knew about the incident and tried to cover it up. They even put our client in a church-sponsored mental health program which was actually run by the molesting pastor. The case was settled prior to us filing a lawsuit.
Civil Drunk Driving Claims
Confidential Settlement - Client was hit by a drunk driver as she passed through an intersection. The drunk driver tried to beat the light and cut in front of our client. Our client sustained serious back injuries.
Bad Faith Settlement - Client sustained disc bulging and underwent physical therapy after being struck by a drunk driver. The insurance company paid more than the policy limit after we proved that they acted in bad faith by failing to settle the case for the policy limit when they could have done so.
$100,000.00 against a drunk driver who struck our client and fled the scene. Our client sustained soft-tissue injuries and underwent a course of physical therapy. We argued that the drunk driver may be held liable for punitive damages under Florida’s civil DUI law and a jury would be furious at the willful, wanton and reckless actions of the drunk driver. The case was settled for the full policy limit within 21 days of sending a demand.
Confidential Settlement for a cruise passenger who injured his knee after he slipped and fell while coming out of the hot tub on the cruise. He alleged that a buildup of oil and other substances made the area unreasonably dangerous.
Confidential Settlement for a cruise passenger injured while on her honeymoon after ingesting glass fragments which were accidentally blended into her frozen drink by the bartender. The bartender failed to follow proper guidelines and used another glass as his ice scooper, which broke off into the blender. The bartender then blended the glass into her drink. She underwent multiple surgeries in her gums.
Confidential Settlement for a cruise passenger injured when he tripped and fell down lighted glass steps in the disco. He argued that the lights were distracting and created a reflection on the steps which caused him to become disoriented and not see the step differentials.
$145,000.00 settlement for a woman who broke her hip when sliding glass doors closed on her while walking on the Lido deck of a cruise. The cruise ship argued that they had another contractor responsible for the doors, or in the alternative, it was a sudden and unexpected failure. The case settled shortly before trial.
Confidential Settlement for a cruise passenger who tore her ACL after slipping and falling on lotion by the pool area.
Confidential Settlement for a cruise passenger who was thrown around in the bathroom after the cruise hit a violent wave and caused her to fall and injure her leg.
Confidential Settlement for a cruise passenger who broke his hand after he slipped and fell while walking near the pool deck. The area had no wet floor signs.
Confidential Settlement for a passenger on a cruise who hurt her back and underwent epidural steroid injections after she slipped and fell on the Lido deck.
This list is information provided upon request. Prior results do not guarantee future results. Each case is unique. Be sure to discuss your specific case with the attorney to see what your case may be worth.